
For US Davis Frozen Semen Contracts

Here's what we'll need:
Contact info and address for semen shipment (Vet info)
Contact info for person providing payment (for billing related questions)
Number of doses needed- ex: some vets request 2 doses per breeding, others just one

Payment for shipper rental and processing fees: Total $375
• Processing: $125, Shipper rental/shipping: $250
• Check made out to UC Regents and sent to the address below

Separate check for shipper deposit: $700
• This check will be held (not deposited) and voided once the shipper is returned to us (it can also be returned upon request)
• If shipper is not returned within 12 business days, the check will be deposited
• Also made out to UC Regents

Contact for the UC Davis ordering is:
Kelli Davis

Please note that this is for completed frozen contracts.